Synagogue\ Bertha House

"The synagogue on Georgstrasse was built in 1810...Rika Hoffmann (born in 1859), who had not only taught knitting courses but also looked after the synagogue for many years, was deported in 1943;...The synagogue building, called Bertha House [Haus Bertha], was used as an education center by young Zionists. The Gestapo shut it down in 1937, and we also know that it was burned down on Pogrom Night. The following day, local thugs burned Judaica in the synagogue’s garden."
Esther Sarah Evans
Copyright: Pogrom Night 1938 - A Memorial to the Destroyed Synagogues of Germany/


Sources: Führer durch die Jüdische Gemeindeverwaltung und Wohlfahrtspflege in Deutschland 1923-1933, Andreas Nachama, Simon Hermann [Eds.], [publisher] Edition Hentrich, 1995., Lexikon der jüdischen Gemeinde in Deutschen Sprachraum, Klaus Dieter-Alicke, [publisher] Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2008., Feuer in dein Heiligtum gelegt: Zerstörte Synagogen 1938 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Michael Brooke [Ed.], Meier Schwarz [foreword], [publisher] Kamp, 1999.


Date Added Mar 23, 2020
Category Synagogue
Country DE
State North Rhine-Westphalia
City Schermbeck
Exhibits Pogrom Night 1938 - A Memorial to the Destroyed Synagogues of Germany

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