Saving the Remnants of Jewish Life in the Arab World

In 2008, Jason Guberman began a project to map and collect photographs of synagogues and Jewish shrines and cemeteries throughout the Middle East, creating for posterity a digital museum of the physical remnants of these ancient, and almost entirely defunct, communities. Diarna, the organization he founded, has been able to take advantage of the recent upheavals in the region to

By |2019-05-19T20:02:58+00:00May 19th, 2019|In The News|

Jewish History is Under Siege in the Middle East and These Volunteers Are Risking Their Lives to Protect It

On a sunny morning in February 2016, Sami Solmaz, a Kurdish filmmaker from Turkey, took a ride with Kurdish forces from the Iraqi town of Sinjar to the front lines. He spent the day filming gun battles between Kurdish fighters and the Islamic State militant group for a documentary he was making on ISIS attacks against religious minorities. That afternoon,

By |2019-05-19T20:28:59+00:00May 19th, 2019|In The News|